--基本信息(scopeid=-1)、个人信息(scopeid=1)、工作信息(scopeid=3)自定义字段 人力资源模块字段标识:HrmCustomFieldByInfoType
--cus_formfield:自定义字段信息表 scopeid=-1-基本信息 1-个人信息 3-工作信息
select * from cus_formfield where scope='HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and scopeid=-1;
select * from cus_fielddata where scope='HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and scopeid=-1;
select * from cus_formdict;
select * from cus_formfield where scope='HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and fieldlable='年龄';
select * from cus_formfield where scope='HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and fieldlable='下拉框字段';
select * from cus_fielddata where id='3';
select * from cus_formdict where id=9;
select selectvalue,selectname from cus_selectitem where selectvalue='查询的filedid10的值-即下拉框option值' and fieldid='字段id';
--如:下拉框option值为2 下拉框的显示值为'丙'
select selectvalue,selectname from cus_selectitem where selectvalue=2 and fieldid=10;
select * from cus_formfield where scope='HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and scopeid=-1 and hrm_fieldlable = '浪潮GS人员ID';
select a.field0 from cus_fielddata a
where a.scope = 'HrmCustomFieldByInfoType' and scopeid=-1
and a.id = 88; --userid
SELECT * FROM cus_treeform WHERE id=4 AND parentid=1
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